Thursday, November 12, 2009

Well fuck.

My exercise ball has a slow leak. Like it was poked with the smallest pin you can think of. I think it might actually have been done by a stray high E string, since it shares floor space with my guitars.

In running news, I wasn't entirely sure I was gonna get out for a run today. I woke up this morning and my ankle was feeling a little tender, presumably from the 2-3 hours of Ultimate yesterday. I kept off it for most of the day, save for going to and from classes, and just a bit ago, I decided to go for a late night run. At 1am, in 45 degree weather.

About 3.15 miles. Left my house at about 110am, got back at 133am. Dailymile tells me that I paced at about 7'37", which feels about right. No walking, no stopping to wait for a crossing light, no run ins with familiar faces. Just me and the streets. It was good. Very good.

I've never run this particular route before, but I really enjoyed it. It starts out with a quick descent, then flattens off into a couple small bunnies, then a long, very gradual downhill (the southeastern straightaway on the map), then a sharp incline, a straightaway, then two more bunnies, then another sharp incline home. Really solid. I think I'm gonna call it "The Straights".

I truly love running at night, even in relatively harsh conditions. Tonight was chilly, though my Under Armour helped quite a bit, and there was a headwind on two of the three long streets, but I still kicked a solid amount of ass.

Can the Marathon be at like... 10pm instead of 10am?


1 comment:

  1. One of the most concise and perfect post titles of all time. LOL!
